The AI plays at chieftain difficulty level and get those bonuses as well eg, if the player chooses deity, in addition to the 60% unhappiness listed below, the AI has 60% from playing at chieftain difficulty and those get multiplied together, resulting in 36% unhappiness from cities and population for the AI. These are the mods given to all the AI when the player chooses a given difficulty level. These typically only grant bonuses for difficulties below prince. These are the handicaps given to players playing at the specified difficulty level. If you can clarify some of the values, or would like to contribute, then please post in this thread. Please note that not all values are clear yet. Sadly if i play with these mods achievements are disabled.

This page should give you an overview about the bonuses, which the AI or the player receive depending on difficulty level in Civilization 5. I love mods that add little things of extra info, like info addict.